Contact me !

There are quite a few good reasons to contact me:

Development ideas

Integrating physical activity data from Apple Watch, Android Wear and other activity sensors into the model.

Offering CGMSIM as a centralized service, so anyone could link a simulated patient to their own Nightscout page.

Developing CGMSIM as a standalone Android or iOS app

Interested in the CSII (insulin pump) features of the sim ? 😉

Create a new Nightscout branch, allowing easier long-acting insulin entries, heart rate or steps ? Displaying insulin activity ?

Found a bug in the source code? Squish it ! It took me a while to learn to write code, and I am sure a pro would smile nervously reading my scripts.

If you have other suggestions or would like to contribute, feel free to contact me by email

Thank you !

Coffee ... ☕️

This project was not funded in any way and was written completely during my free time. It required quite some coffee, staying up at night, testing the code on virtual machines and various Raspberry Pi's.

During the initial testing phase, 10 Nightscout websites on hobby dynos were run simultaneously for my courageous medical students, colleagues and nurses who tested the simulation.

Click the Donate button above to support my work, if you feel it was worth the effort. All donations will be used strictly for Nightscout hosting fees (and occasional coffee).

Alternatively consider making a donation to Tidepool, the Nightscout Foundation, the JDRF or any charitable organisation of your choice !
